The ~anterior~ |pituitary gland| (or adenohypophysis) produces several ~hormones~. It is responsible for producing the growth ~hormone~ (GH) which stimulates hard and soft tissue growth and helps regulate the metabolism. The anterior gland also produces ~hormones~ which stimulate other endocrine |glands| to secrete their own ~hormones~. The pituitary produces the |thyroid| stimulating ~hormone~ (TSH), which stimulates secretion of the |thyroid| as needed, and adrenocorticotrophic ~hormone~ (ACTH) which stimulates secretion of the adrenal |cortex|. The ~anterior~ |pituitary gland| also secretes ~hormones~ that stimulate development and ~hormone~ synthesis in the reproductive system. It produces the follicle stimulating ~hormone~ (FSH), which stimulates egg production and ~estrogen~ secretion by the |ovaries| and ~testosterone~ secretion and sperm development in the |testes|. It also produces leuteinsing ~hormone~ (LH) which stimulates progesterone secretion by the |ovaries| and prepares the |uterus| for the fertilized egg. LH also plays an important role in the development of the mammary |glands|. The ~anterior~ |pituitary gland| also produces prolactin, the ~hormone~ that stimulates milk secretion by the mammary |glands|.